In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

For believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, they feel a tremor In their hearts, and when they hear His Signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust In their Lord.
Quran; Al-Anfal, Ayat 2.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam sejahtera to all of you, my dear readers.

Ahlan wasahlan wamarhaban bikum and welcome to my simple and ordinary blog. My blog was born since March 19, 2007. It was born as a real reflection of my mind where everything that come across my mind confer. Truly, my blog is merely my personal, my diary, my book, my writing and me, myself. It just a sincere expression from my inner mind and heart; not more not less. Therefore, if you guys want to read it, just read with your own consequences. Every individual is unique because of their idiosyncracies. This is mainly because of differences in experience, education, value, background, and even personality. We are unique. Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain common causes (in any possible way) are definately responsible for the an individual's inbuilt barriers. Hence, I will not be responsible for anything or something that may cause uneasy feeling or inconvenience state that you may face in advance. Thank you. Happy reading. Cherios.

All rights reserved. 2007.

Mohd Khairul Fadzli Abdullah,
IIUM, Gombak.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.


Cuti sekolah dan kad jemputan kawin...

Salam sejahtera,

Friday, March 06, 2009. 0246.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Blog ini dimulai dgn kalimah agung bismillah. Smg mendapat keberkatan dan keredhaan daripadaNya. Malam ni malam jumaat. Malam yg berkat seperti malam2 yg lain. Malam yg mempunyai banyak makna yang tersirat dan tersurat kepada setiap individu. Malam yg cukup indah untuk setiap pasangan yg dah lama berkahwin ataupun yg baru berkahwin. Juga mungkin yg belum berkahwin lg tp sudah dapat merasai nikmat alam perkahwinan...hehe, xperlu aku nyatakan di sini. Andaianku semua sudah faham. Walauapapun blog ini bukan ditulis utk bercerita pasal tu.

Minggu depan cuti sekolah bermula. Maka ramailah yg mengambil kesempatan sempena cuti sekolah utk berkahwin. Maka banyaklah kad jemputan yg akan diedar. Dgn bermacam2 hiasan, corak dan warna serta tidak kurang juga yg agak berada tu edar kad yg boleh baunya boleh dicium sampai bermeter2 jauh. Pun begitu, mesejnya adalah ttp sama. Kalau kita tnya mereka kenapa buat kad yg mahal..Walhal, kertas serta satu hari je pun. Xperlulah excessive sgt. Maka mereka akan jawab sebab satu hari tulah kena buat yg terbaik. Lagipun benda mcm ni bukannya selalu. Bg mereka duit bukan halangan. Itu mmg xdinafikanlah. Mereka betul2 mampu. Yelah, kenangan seumur hidup katakan. Anyway, xkisahlah apapun alasan mereka. Dah mereka mampu, kita nak buat mcmna. Kita ni yg xberapa mampu tgk ajelah. Tp xpe jugak, sbb kad tu utk diedarkan kepada kita jugak...hehe. Padahal kos utk buat kad special tu kalau diselidiki bukannya murah. Agama Islam sendiri pun xmenggalakkan umatnya membazir. Membazir amalan syaitan. Well, benda ni bagiku kira satu pembaziranlah. Yang murah ada, so why bother to go for expensive one. Ah malaslah nak berhujah dalam ni. Tp yg pastinya tukang atau kedai yg buat kad tulah yg untung. Diorang mmg xkisahpun nak buat mcmna, asalkan duit masuk dalam poket cukup. Eh, boleh buka bisnes cetak kad jemputan kawin ni nampaknya. Memang menguntungkan bisnes ni. Well, berbalik kepada edaran kad tadi. So far, rasanya dah 4 jemputan aku terima, tp satu pun aku xdecide lagi nak pergi ke tak, bukannya decide dapat pergi ke tak, kena faham point kat situ ye. Tp aku tahu menghadiri jemputan walimatulurus ni hukumnya adalah wajib. So insyaAllah aku cuba utk hadirkan diri. Mudah mudahan dipermudahkan urusanku. Well, aku sebenarnya bukan xnak pergi, serius dalam hatiku mmg rasa nak pergi. Yelah xnak menghampakan harapan orang keadaan skang ni amat memaksa aku memikirkan berkali2 sebelum aku buat keputusan yg terbaik. Lambakan kerja yg bertimbun serta masalah yg xhenti2 kunjung datang dalam hidupku ini...(Oh, sungguh poyo ye aku ni kan. Mcmlah bisnes first class jah ni..koyalun aridun sungguh aku ni..hehe)..ah mmg penat untuk dinyatakan di sini...huhu..

Ok, bersambung lg esok. Rasa ngantukla pulak. Ok, wassalam. Opps, tp kan ye tgk org kawin ni timbul satu perasaan nak kawin xmampu lg beb..Nak sangat kawin ni kalau mampu. Tp, sabarlah dulu. InsyaAllah lambat bangat kalau dah sampai jodoh tu, kawin jgk akhirnya...Sekian.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

What's on earth, sleeping the entire day...

Salam sejahtera,

Thursday, March 05, 2009. 1725.

How are you my all dear frenz? What's the news about you today? Are u all feeling good or not? If you have any problem or need to share something but nobody wanna hear you then I'm here for that. I'm always ready to help you all. Physically we might be never see each other, but the reality is we are too close to each other. I can feel the aura of our relationship. So strong. I bet you're too. Yeah, brotherhood in Islam is we are. We all know that nobody is immune to the problems. We all have the problems. Big or small is not a matter. Some might be easy to handle but some of them are pretty hard to handle alone. Need someone else to borrow their shoulder for us to cry on.

About me, need to ask. I'm always like this. Well, story about me today is almost full day I've been spent on the bed. Yet another my boring and dull day as always. Today I didn't go to work. I'm too lazy to be there. Then tomorrow must be tough day for me to goreng something to my boss. Why didn't you come yesterday Mr. Fadzli? Are you not feeling well? Yeah, seem I can predict and guess his question. Well, I'm in deep shit nowadays. My body is too weak. Spending almost 8 hours every day facing computer makes me damn passive. No physical activities really make my body too weak. I know that is not good practise though, but....ah as always there must be a "but" in my life. The word "but" is always bloating into my life's dictionary. Bukan xde langsung waktu free utk beriadah or berjogging. Ada saja. Tp time tu biasanya filled with tidur or layan movie je. Well, actually I don't know what to write here. Just trying to write something but still unclear what is it? Umur makin lama makin tua. Physical mmg xnampak sgt perubahannya. Aku still mcm dulu lagi. Mungkin agak sedikit berisi skang ni. Al-maklumlah makan serta kerja yg byk xmelibatkan aktiviti physical yg kuat.

Tomorrow night I'm going to UIA, insyaAllah (if God willing). Wanna spend my holiday with my old frenz over there. Yeah, maybe we can say mutual changing each other stories...hehe, taking the opportunity of public holiday to meet each other. So long we don't see each other. Everyone is busy with their work. Now, it is the time to reunion. So, for those who are eagerly interested in join us, then let's make an exodus to UIA during this weekend. Pakat ramai2 gi UIA deh. Okay guys, see you there.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Berakhirnya satu harapan...

Salam sejahtera,

Rabu, 04/03/09, 0416.

Malam ini malam yg amat kecewa dalam hidupku. Egoku akhirnya tumbang oleh satu panggilan telefon. Sungguh tidak aku menyangka segala galanya bakal berakhir setakat ini. Maaf aku tidak berniat untuk berjiwang dalam blog ini. Jiwang bukan sebahagian dari jiwaku. Blog ini adalah untuk menyatakan fikiranku yg sedang bercelaru serta perasaanku yg sdg bergelora serta tidak menentu arah jadinya ketika ini. Panggilan telefon jam 2014 malam tadi cukup untuk menjelaskan segala2nya. Rahsia yg bakal dirungkai oleh seseorang yg aku admire selama ni. (Sori sekali lg aku tegaskan di sini, ini bukan blog tangkap jiwang ke apa, okay. Mmg aku akui bunyinya sedikit jiwang, tp itu bukan maksudku. Harap semua mengerti) Dia akhirnya... ye, dia yg aku impikan untuk menjadi pasangan hidupku akhirnya bakal menjadi isteri orang tidak lama lg (bakal suaminya itu budak ex-UIA jgk. Aku kenal sgt). Kepalaku terasa sgt berat serta pandanganku jadi kabur seketika apabila ayat pertama yg diungkapkannya menerobos masuk ke corong telingaku. Sungguh aku terkejut dan tidak pernah menyangka. Diamnya selama ini rupanya mengandungi seribu rahsia yg bisa ngak mengerti aku menafsirkannya. Sungguh dia pandai berahsia. Terasa bodoh sungguh aku kerana tidak bisa menduga perkara ini boleh terjadi dari dahulu lgi. Mungkin selama ini aku hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan sahaja. Oh, sungguh malang akan nasibku. Ketika ini aku hanya mampu pasrah serta berdoa agar dia dan bakal suaminya itu bahagia selama-lamanya. Percakapan td byk menyaksikan aku hanya mampu mendiamkan diri daripada byk berkata2. Sungguh aku xmampu untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu walau sepatah ayatpun. Anggota tubuhku terasa kaku serta kejang. Seolah2 dunia berhenti berputar pada paksinya. Jam berhenti berdetik serta masa stop seketika. Impianku selama ini hancur berkecai sama sekali. Dia sunguh baik padaku. Tutur kata serta perwatakannya yg sederhana cukup membuatkan aku terhibur. Namun, takdir tuhan bisa mengatasi segalanya2nya. PerancanganNya maha sempurna. Kita sebagai insan yg kerdil di atas muka bumi ini hanya mampu merancang, namun Dialah yg maha berkuasa menentukan segala-galanya.

Ya Allah terasa ujian ini sungguh berat untuk dipikul dan ditempuhi. Namun aku tetap redha padaMu ya Allah..

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

It has been awhile...

Salam and hi my all dear readers,

It has been long time since my last update two weeks ago. I was too busy nowadays with all the funkies and junkies as my life getting more complex and challenging. By that time, there are lot of sweet and bitter memories happened to me that trigger me to share with you all guys. Have you ever heard people say sharing is caring? Then, here what I'm going to do right now. To show you my deep concern to the word of "caring" especially for my loyal followers...hehe (ah, perasan jah lebih...xdok2 ore baca pun). Well, I don't know where and what should I start first. But, I do think that it must be a good idea if we start according to the time chronology. What happened first is what written first. However guys, I don't think that I can write everything in here since I'm using my friend's laptop. My baby PC is under special care at Low Yatt Plaza for certain unclassified reason that unable me to tell you all. I sent it to Low Yatt not because I'm not good in repairing myself (remember, I'm certified candidate of Microsoft Desktop Technician), but for better sake of my PC and myself, I have to send it there. It must be pretty hard to believe that my baby should be sending there...huhu.

Oh, my God..Another my unlucky day. As I just want to start then he is coming. My friend is just coming back. I'm sorry guys, I have no chance to continue any more as he wanna use his laptop. Bye2 for now. Okay, see you next time.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)