In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
For believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, they feel a tremor In their hearts, and when they hear His Signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust In their Lord.
Quran; Al-Anfal, Ayat 2.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam sejahtera to all of you, my dear readers.
Ahlan wasahlan wamarhaban bikum and welcome to my simple and ordinary blog. My blog was born since March 19, 2007. It was born as a real reflection of my mind where everything that come across my mind confer. Truly, my blog is merely my personal, my diary, my book, my writing and me, myself. It just a sincere expression from my inner mind and heart; not more not less. Therefore, if you guys want to read it, just read with your own consequences. Every individual is unique because of their idiosyncracies. This is mainly because of differences in experience, education, value, background, and even personality. We are unique. Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain common causes (in any possible way) are definately responsible for the an individual's inbuilt barriers. Hence, I will not be responsible for anything or something that may cause uneasy feeling or inconvenience state that you may face in advance. Thank you. Happy reading. Cherios.
All rights reserved. 2007.
Mohd Khairul Fadzli Abdullah,
IIUM, Gombak.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.
My New Account in MSN
One of the great services MSN offers is a free email address for its members. Having your own email address is almost a necessity today. Email is one of the most convenient means of communication available. It's more reliable than the telephone and easier than going to visit someone in person. Even if you already have an email address on another service, you may want to create another one on MSN, especially if you use their services frequently. Thus, last night I've decided to create a new account in MSN, means also new e-mail rather than using Hotmail, Yahoo and GMail a couple years ago. More e-mail, means more chance you can contact me. Remember that I'm very popular, isn't? So don't you think you wanna tumpang my glamorous, do you? Hehe. Just perasan skit. Jgn marah ye. Hence you are all welcome to contact me at this address
My current email address;
On My Own
Finally! I signed jugak a contract with Jaringanku Enterprise (to be part of sub supplier of web design on the net) (tukar bisnes lak..nak belajar berniaga jual website kat tenet lak), last Tuesday (September 2, 2008). I told my friends, my senior staffs and to all yg ada kaitan dan bersangkut paut dgn bisnes sebelum ni; jual tahit mata...hehe...about my decision last Monday. They already talked to me about it, even some of them a little bit argued...and ada jugak yg xpuas ati, but I just do dunno je...huhu. I know that they love me to release me, tulah grad awal dari aku. Padan muka korang semua. But they recieved it anyway. Sorry lah PuDin, LiAh and ZaMir (my eX-roommate), I have to choose my life. Lagipun korang semua pergi dulu tinggalkan aku. korang pergi tinggalkan aku keseorangan. I cannot be too dependent to you all guys and you all have to understand it. My time's coming. And I have to choose way of my life.
It's been hard on my part...of course I know it will also be hard on them considering the current situation in our team..konon-konon satu team lah ye. Well, I'll definitely miss all of my friends there. I don't wanna be sentimental about this... I wanna focus on what's ahead... But a part of me REALLY wants to stay... (forget the praise, honour or whatever they call, forget that I hate my job, forget that I won't have room for growth in my current team). But if I would think this way...I KNOW that sooner or later I will also REGRET the opportunity, the challenge ahead, the chance to make new friends as well.
May God continue to guide me in whatever endeavor I pursue from here on out. I need it... The strength to move on...finally... ON MY OWN! My way certainly.
Pengaruh Google...

Today 3rd September of 2008 ~ 3rd day of Ramadhan.
As always after subuh prayer, I start lying down on the bed. And as always juga, I'll set my alarm clock first so that I'll not go beyond my limit..oversleep. That's my daily routine if xde class. Yes, of course nobody will argue sleep is good. But today I got something more important to do.
Today is not like an ordinary day. Day by day I'm getting older. Time is running so fast. The clock's ticking so damn hard. After all, I finally woke up at 1612. Mcm dah agak dah. Just doesn't want to tell you all in standard am/pm time. Four hours more than I supposed to wake up. So frantic. Very desperate. Means that all the entire planning needs to be altered. That's what I don't wanna do. But today is so freakish anyway. Dark and gloomy. Outside is like in the Armageddon movie, where the sky turns dark suddenly. So horrible. Maybe today it will be raining. Must be a good excuse to continue my sleep...hehe. Saje je...alasan..
Just woke up. Still don't know what to do.
Even just broke my initial planning. You know why because it's already too late. Time is almost five. Every government company already closed their premise. So what should I do. The only possible thing I can do is waiting for tomorrow but must be more alert so that I aint be late again.
Last night I've been spent almost overnight surfing the internet. Internet's now becomes more powerful. Every single things you can find it here. The job becomes easier and faster. Just sit down in front of ur computer, switch on ur computer and fill in the search blank and I'll bet you'll get the result. It's very easy and enjoyful. All you need is computer and internet connection.
Sometimes I was thinking about the impact of the influence of Google or whatever search engine on the net to my entire life. Needless to say not the only me, but it will significantly affect you all either directly or even indirectly. Nobody's excluded. Sound's horrible isn't? Haha...that's the reality..conscious or not, you'll know someday.
Then perhaps I better talk about Google, because I like to use Google rather than any other search engine on the net. The tools Google gives us for free are making it easy — perhaps too easy — for us to bypass our own brains for things. We ourselves may become dummy terminals, where our brain is only responsible for subconscious tasks, short term memory and motor skills. Of course, I have no qualifications to know if there is even the possibility of this happening, but it may be an interesting research project for someone who does.
What do you think? Are our lives becoming too dependent on Google? Do we actually need to know or remember anything anymore, or is Google becoming our brain? Will using Google for an extended period of time physically alter the way we utilize our brain? If so, what happens if Google disappears?
Think about pikiq sediri la habaq org Penang...said one of my friend..

assalamualaikum wbt.
today September 1, the beginning of the first of Ramadhan, i woke up at always, trying to find something to eat...but, thanks God...remember that today is the first of Ramadhan...lucky even not so, if not dpt makan n minum free...hehe..
well, today i'm not really inspired to do anything, nor even is Monday...means 2 more days to celebrate the holiday...after that we gonna have a midterm...assignment and quiz need not to say..a lot...but until now still cannot find any strength or inspiration to make a revision or even open the book...really concern but did not do anything...just worry for nothing, pretending nothing suppose to do after this.... ah, even nak tulis blog pun malas hari ni...asyik tersalah taip je...takkan baru first puasa dah lemah kot...anyway, selamat berpuasalah kat kawan2 semua. smg puasa tahun ni penuh ok.
oops, juga jangan lupa ye terawih dan tahajudnya di malam hari nanti k...smg ramadhan tahun ini membawa penuh keberkatan dan keinsafan kepada kita semua...till then, c ya next...bye.
Ramadan datang lagi. Alhamdulillah kita sempat menyapa dan mendakapinya penuh erat. Ia kurniaan Ilahi maha hebat, cukup sempurna, menyejukkan gelisah, mententeramkan resah. Awalannya rahmat, pertengahannya keampunan dan akhirannya bebas dari api neraka. Masya-Allah. Namun, ini mungkin Ramadan terakhir buat kita. Penghujung nyawa adalah rahsia. Renungilah.
Berapa ramai anggota keluarga terdekat dan teman rakan, yang bersama kita Ramadan setahun lalu, kini tiada lagi, tidak sempat untuk menikmati ujian dan menjalani tarbiyah dalam madrasah penuh pengorbanan ini.
Justeru jangan terleka. Peluklah dengan penuh kecintaan - setelah rindu yang amat sangat terlerai sudah - Ramadan yang sarat dengan keberkatan ini. Pintu-pintu syurga terbuka, pintu-pintu neraka ditutup, syaitan terbelenggu. Hamparan ketakwaan dibentang seluas-luasnya.
Detik nafasmu adalah ibadah. Tidur rehatmu adalah ibadah. Apa lagi dengan bertadarus, menyantuni anak yatim, menyempurnakan silaturrahim, membela golongan tertindas, bersedekah, memuliakan ibu bapa, mengasihi orang tua, membantu golongan tidak berupaya, menyediakan bahan berbuka, selain berdoa dan memanjangkan sujud, serta menghidupkan malam dengan munajat dan taubat selepas bertarawih, sementara menanti malam seribu bulan.
Bagi sesetengah orang Ramadhan cukup menyesakkan. Ye, ia memang menyesakkan nafas, membuntukan fikir, namun secara misteri mudah menyuntik rasa sedar-insaf bahawa panggilan Ilahi bisa datang secara tiba-tiba, tanpa bertanyakan apakah persiapan sudah beres atau masih khayal dengan hal duniawi yang tidak berkesudahan.
Benar sekali sabda nabi. Perbanyakkanlah mengingati sesuatu yang dapat merenggut kelazatan dunia, iaitu mati. Rasulullah pernah ditanya tentang orang Mukmin yang paling mulia, maka jawabnya adalah orang yang paling baik akhlaknya.
Ditanya lagi, orang Mukmin mana yang paling beruntung atau cerdas, maka jawab baginda, mereka yang paling banyak mengingati mati dan mempunyai bekal yang banyak untuk menghadapi kematian.
Ramadan menjanjikan gandaan pahala, menghaluskan jiwa dan mendorong untuk melakukan amalan kebajikan. Manakala mengingati kematian menyebabkan seseorang menyegerakan taubat, rendah hati dan rajin beribadah. Namun Ramadan bukan pula membungkus seseorang dengan aktiviti individualistik semata-mata.
Khidmat buat masyarakat, menarik tangan masyarakat bawahan yang tertekan, terutama dalam kesempitan hidup yang menggigit ini; semuanya perlu ditingkatkan setulusnya, sebagai satu persembahan agung buat Ilahi. Sesungguhnya Allah amat mencintai makhluk yang paling penyayang pada makhluk yang lain, yang paling bersungguh-sungguh dalam memenuhi keperluannya.
Usah terlepas lagi daripada merangkul kenikmatan Ramadan yang sangat istimewa itu.
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