In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

For believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, they feel a tremor In their hearts, and when they hear His Signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust In their Lord.
Quran; Al-Anfal, Ayat 2.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam sejahtera to all of you, my dear readers.

Ahlan wasahlan wamarhaban bikum and welcome to my simple and ordinary blog. My blog was born since March 19, 2007. It was born as a real reflection of my mind where everything that come across my mind confer. Truly, my blog is merely my personal, my diary, my book, my writing and me, myself. It just a sincere expression from my inner mind and heart; not more not less. Therefore, if you guys want to read it, just read with your own consequences. Every individual is unique because of their idiosyncracies. This is mainly because of differences in experience, education, value, background, and even personality. We are unique. Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain common causes (in any possible way) are definately responsible for the an individual's inbuilt barriers. Hence, I will not be responsible for anything or something that may cause uneasy feeling or inconvenience state that you may face in advance. Thank you. Happy reading. Cherios.

All rights reserved. 2007.

Mohd Khairul Fadzli Abdullah,
IIUM, Gombak.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.


Sudah lumrah manusia


Kita tidak dapat merasai nikmatnya sebutir nasi,sehinggalah kemarau tiba dan tiada nasi untuk dimakan.Kita tidak sedar betapa nikmatnya gigi yang diciptakan sehinggalah gigi kita semuanya luruh.Kita tidak terasa pun nikmat tubuh badan yang sihat,sehingga kita jatuh sakit dan merengek-rengek kepada Tuhan:

"Tuhan,aku sakit..."

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Gaza, the hidden truth

Salam sejahtera.

Artikel ini dipetik dari blog ustaz Mazlee. Semoga Allah merahmati beliau.

Gaza, the hidden truth, the silent cry.

Much of what is said about Gaza is myopic and without historical context. Israel, despite the condemnation of the international community (the USA administration excepted), constantly justifies its hideous crimes on the grounds of self-defence. Those who never engage with the root of the Israel-Palestine conflict and its history are very easily led to believe that the Israeli assault is a response to the rockets launched from Gaza by HAMAS.

Butchering civilians is nothing new for the Israelis. How can one forget the atrocities committed by the Zionist terrorist organisations Irgun, Haganah and others before Israel was created. Could anybody forget Deir Yassin, where in 1948 more than 200 hundred Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, were killed by Zionist terrorists, who later became members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). How can anybody forget the 17,500 dead – almost all civilians, most of them children and women – in Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon; the 1,700 Palestinian civilian dead in the Sabra-Chatila massacre; the 1996 Qana massacre of 106 Lebanese civilian refugees, more than half of them children, at a UN base; the massacre of the Marwahin refugees who were ordered from their homes by the Israelis in 2006, then slaughtered by an Israeli helicopter crew; the 1,000 dead of that same 2006 bombardment and Lebanese invasion; and the frequent assaults on Gaza since 2005, in which almost all the victims were civilians?

The question one should ponder is: when did Israel ever abide by international law and UN resolutions if they were not in its favour? It never cares about the Geneva Convention, or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Now Israelis justify their crimes by blaming enemy fighters for taking shelter behind civilians, when the known facts and evidence of witnesses indicate this is not the case. More than 40 people, mostly children and refugees, were killed in the Fakhoura School run by UNRWA, but, despite the statement by the UN officials on the ground about the non-existence of militants in the school, every Israeli spokesperson who appears on the media keeps repeating the lie.

Condemning HAMAS for being a peace hating and terrorist organisation which rejects any peace proposal is far from the truth. Anybody who has followed the conflict since the very beginning will be aware that HAMAS was ready to renew the truce with Israel that ended on December 2008 on condition that Israel ended the siege and opened the borders. What they received in return was the brutal attack from Israel. And this was not the first time that a truce had been proposed by HAMAS and turned down by Israel. Since 1994 HAMAS has repeatedly offer of a truce which Israel has stubbornly rejected. Moreover, since 2004 HAMAS has three times observed a truce that Israel never respected.

What has HAMAS received in response? The free elections that brought them to power in 2006 has never been respected by Israel. The Palestinians were punished for their choice, and their sovereign government was boycotted not only by Israel, but by the USA and EU. Half of their cabinet ministers and 44 of their members of parliament were captured and detained without trial in Israeli prisons. Moreover, Israel denied Palestinians the taxes collected on their border. Palestinian women and children were detained in Israeli prisons and denied their basic rights behind bars. Since June 2007, after the failure of a coup d’état attempt by a group of mafia supported by Tel Aviv, the Gazan people have been imprisoned in their own country. Gaza became a huge prison with all the land, air and sea borders sealed by Israel. Any countries that tried to establish relations with Gaza were threatened by the USA. Gazans were denied food, petrol, goods, medicine, and contacts with other people all over the world. Electricity was cut off and the supply of water was controlled by the Israelis. Even before the recent Israeli aggression there was a humanitarian crisis which was created by Israel.

In such a situation any people would fight for their freedom and their rights. What has really been happening in Gaza is a struggle of the oppressed against their oppressor. If somebody came to your house to kill you, your children, your wife and your parents, would you stand still or fight back? If you fought back, and the aggressor killed you in the act of protecting yourself, would others blame you for such an act of self-defence? Let us stop blaming the victims. What the Israelis are doing now is the act of a terrorist state, worthy of the Nazis.

For a fair judgement of the situation in Gaza, let us tune in to al-Jazeera and other alternative media and listen to what is really happening on the ground rather than listening only to the Israeli apologists in the mainstream media. Let us read what Fisk, Pappe, Finkelstein, Chomsky and other peace loving journalists, including the non-Zionist Jews, have to say about the true face of Israel. Or maybe we should start to listen to the Israeli soldiers who have resigned, the 'Refusniks', who oppose the killing of Palestinians and call for dialogue with HAMAS. It is time the civilised international community freed itself from the lies it is forced to swallow by the pro-Israeli media.

Maszlee Malik,

Tutor and PhD researcher

School of Government and international Affairs,

University of Durham, UK.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Israel terus mengganas...

0116, Tuesday, Jan 06, 2009.

Salam dan selamat malam,

"Israel seized control of high-rise buildings and attacked houses, mosques and smuggling tunnels as it pressed its offensive against the Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers on Monday, while the U.S. joined a stream of countries pushing for a cease-fire."


The fucking beast Israel laknatullah sedang mengganas...up to this blog was posted, at least 620 people telah terkorban...the formal figure as reported by mass media...but, what about informal figure, the exact number, I mean? Nobody knows...yg xrasmi I guess maybe lebih drpd itu...mostly innocent children and women who are not capable to protect themselves...dan sehingga blog ini ditulis pun, tentera Israel laknatullah sedang bersiap sedia utk memasuki jalan darat dengan bantuan jet pejuang, helikopter dan bedilan mortar yg xhenti2 ke arah, what is our action, is it enough for us to just sit down and hear more and more news? pathetic...saya bkn nak menyalahkan kita semua lah yg should be blamed, including myself....ntahlah betul2 buntu memikirkan apa tindakan rasional yg patut kita lakukan...ada yg kata malas nak dgn kerja and life, ada yg kata xde masa lah and so many reasons bloat...nak pergi hantar para pejuang pulak, owh terlalu byk risikonya...takut satu hal...takut kita pun terheret sama dalam kancah perang, takut ekonomi kita kena sekat dan takut kerana kita adalah penakut....,nak buat perbincangan dgn OIC....owh helo, tolonglah just not more than wasting our time...or maybe you should know OIC is acronym for Oh I See...persidangan demi persidangan dibuat but no resolution come out...our local media pulak kurang memaparkan isu ini...asyik dgn politik lapuk domestik je...ntahlah our life has been surrounded by dead and impotent environment...kita sendiri di Malaysia ni mmg begini...dibesarkan dgn environment mcm ni, maka jadilah kita mcm ni...kita xde rasa skitpun perasaan terhadap saudara seagama kita yg sedang dibantai dan dibunuh kerana kita jauh daripada mereka dan kerana kita sdg enak dan lena di atas sofa atau tilam kita yg lembut...

......sbb xkena kat kita sendirilah kt jd kurang sensitif isu ini...kalau dah terkena kat diri sendiri barulah kita tahu, betapa azab dan sengsaranya perang itu....bukan nak mendoakan agar kita kena serang jauh sekali utk menjadi ancaman kpd mereka, tp itulah hakikatnya yg terpaksa kita terima dan bayar...sebab kealpaan dan kelemahan kita, maka umat Islam terus ditindas...

Very sad, but what can we do?....nothing, right? We are too weak to fight with them...not because we don't have any sophisticated military equipment nor because we are too small in number, but because we don't have strong faith in our heart...our brotherhood and sisterhood solidarity in Islam is just a simply armchair....~it just a merely forlorn hope...nothing we can do. The only one thing we can really do is boycott all their products...don't afraid if our economy will be affected a little, but small action of ours will lead to downturn their economy in mass and do not forget to pray for our brothers and sisters who are in war right now..God bless and help them, hopefully they'll safe in the fi Sabilillah.. and for those already gone, smg Allah merahmati roh mereka dan ditempatkan ditempat para syuhada....

Jahanam Israel laknatullah...

Bandicruz San.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)