In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
For believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, they feel a tremor In their hearts, and when they hear His Signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust In their Lord.
Quran; Al-Anfal, Ayat 2.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam sejahtera to all of you, my dear readers.Ahlan wasahlan wamarhaban bikum and welcome to my simple and ordinary blog. My blog was born since March 19, 2007. It was born as a real reflection of my mind where everything that come across my mind confer. Truly, my blog is merely my personal, my diary, my book, my writing and me, myself. It just a sincere expression from my inner mind and heart; not more not less. Therefore, if you guys want to read it, just read with your own consequences. Every individual is unique because of their idiosyncracies. This is mainly because of differences in experience, education, value, background, and even personality. We are unique. Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain common causes (in any possible way) are definately responsible for the an individual's inbuilt barriers. Hence, I will not be responsible for anything or something that may cause uneasy feeling or inconvenience state that you may face in advance. Thank you.
Happy reading. Cherios.
All rights reserved. 2007.
Mohd Khairul Fadzli Abdullah,
IIUM, Gombak.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.

assalamualaikum wbt.
today September 1, the beginning of the first of Ramadhan, i woke up at always, trying to find something to eat...but, thanks God...remember that today is the first of Ramadhan...lucky even not so, if not dpt makan n minum free...hehe..
well, today i'm not really inspired to do anything, nor even is Monday...means 2 more days to celebrate the holiday...after that we gonna have a midterm...assignment and quiz need not to say..a lot...but until now still cannot find any strength or inspiration to make a revision or even open the book...really concern but did not do anything...just worry for nothing, pretending nothing suppose to do after this.... ah, even nak tulis blog pun malas hari ni...asyik tersalah taip je...takkan baru first puasa dah lemah kot...anyway, selamat berpuasalah kat kawan2 semua. smg puasa tahun ni penuh ok.
oops, juga jangan lupa ye terawih dan tahajudnya di malam hari nanti k...smg ramadhan tahun ini membawa penuh keberkatan dan keinsafan kepada kita semua...till then, c ya next...bye.
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