Hope u will always success in ur life...

This post is specially dedicated to my ex,
I will start my first entry after a long time remain silent by sharing with u all guys the sad and unforgettable memories in my life with my love (now she is my ex). She is very special. Simple, clever, caring but quite manja...(dont know the meaning in english..huhu)...skit2 nk nanges je. Tp xkisah la kan. I met her sometime in July or August last year somewhere in undisclosed place...cannot g tau la kat mana..sori la ye ek.
She is my first love even before this I have a lot of fan (poyo la plak), bukan nk berlagak, tp itulah hakikatnya...nk kata hensem, xdelah hensem sgt pn....tp maybe pandai guna ayat la kot...hehe...anyway nak buat mcmna benda dah xjd...rasa sedih la jugak.
I know she still hurts. I don't know how long it will takes to heal her wound, but I do know she will never comes back to me anymore in anyway. I know I have done a lot of mistakes and miserable to her since I am with her, and I do owe up all of my mistakes. You know, honestly I always hope that one day she will apologize me and give me one more chance to redeem my mistake but this is seems very far to grab it. She suffers a lot because of me. I left her a very deep wound that is not easily to heal. I am very bad and terrible. So, the only way is to let her go with calmly from my life. Sound cruel isn't but that the only the best way I can do for her to not to hurt her anymore. Perhaps I am not the right person for her.
Honestly, I felt so down, but feeling down is not good for both of us either. What is past is past. That time has gone. I believe the life must goes on. The journey must be continued. Let it be one part of our history in our mind. I really hope that we can still contact each other even we are now just a friend. That is enough for me.
I can't be down like this forever. I have to get up and struggle for my life. Finally, I hope she will also success and get what is she dream for in her life.
please forgive me...
and thanks for everything.
Thank you.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)