In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

For believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, they feel a tremor In their hearts, and when they hear His Signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust In their Lord.
Quran; Al-Anfal, Ayat 2.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam sejahtera to all of you, my dear readers.

Ahlan wasahlan wamarhaban bikum and welcome to my simple and ordinary blog. My blog was born since March 19, 2007. It was born as a real reflection of my mind where everything that come across my mind confer. Truly, my blog is merely my personal, my diary, my book, my writing and me, myself. It just a sincere expression from my inner mind and heart; not more not less. Therefore, if you guys want to read it, just read with your own consequences. Every individual is unique because of their idiosyncracies. This is mainly because of differences in experience, education, value, background, and even personality. We are unique. Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain common causes (in any possible way) are definately responsible for the an individual's inbuilt barriers. Hence, I will not be responsible for anything or something that may cause uneasy feeling or inconvenience state that you may face in advance. Thank you. Happy reading. Cherios.

All rights reserved. 2007.

Mohd Khairul Fadzli Abdullah,
IIUM, Gombak.
A certain amount of endurance brings about a possibility of hopes.


Myself & my habit...

Just another product from Photoshop CS5. Happy weekend...

Btw, ada sape2 nk cari rakan partner utk buat biz? Ak sbnrnya tgh mencari rakan utk buat biz partner ni. Kalau ada sape2 yg tgh cari partner gk, ak dgn besar hatinya sudi menawarkan diri.., tp kena tgok dulu la jenis biz apa yg nak buat...gaji RM2k lebih xrok la nak duk sini kak bang oi...tambah2 lg kalau jenis yg xpandai nak berjimat supo ak ni...nampak gayanya kena cari bini hok pandai plan financial ni...

Okla, jumpa lagi len kali. Aku nkg Sogo jap ni,... nak usha2 baju & seluar utk wat raya nnti...dgr katanya hari ni ada sale sempena warehouse stock clearance kat sana...3 days jek, besok last ada sape2 yg nkg gk, jom ar kt pakat ramai2 pergi...,

Alrite guys, jumpa korang semua kat sana nantilah...

Chaw dulu...

ps//: aduh habis lagi duit ak kali ni..dahler bulan ni saja da lebih rm2k habis utk shopping & entertainment nakg shopping lgi ni...xhabis2 lg gn shopping...bleh nazak ak kalo lguni...

Saturday. July 17, 2010. 1007.
 Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

My New Dell XPS Studio 15.6" Obsidian Black


Thanks God. For the long time since I was in my last semester, sometimes in July 2008, I've dreamed to have it my own one day comes and now God blessed me. After all syukur alhamdulillah... Really syukur.

Costing me RM8500 doesn't and will never makes me regret (hopefully lah). I know it might be sound crazy or absurd to some people; spending more than normal price while you can get cheaper with/ when the function is not really big deal for the time being but I do believe & always convince myself that there is something beyond my expectation & knowledge that necessitates me to have it one. Now I can play almost every single games in the market and render every single heavy loaded program that is hardly to run on a normal/ standard computer...yeah, my work is becoming more efficient & easy...

Intel Core i7, 6GB DDR3 Hi Performance of RAM, 650GB SSD, Blu Ray Disk, 1GB 5700 HD ATi Radeon Graphic Card makes mine is truly the king if not among my friends, especially I beat you bro...hehe...

Brilliantly & blazingly fast,

With faster, intelligent, multi-core technology that applies processing power where it's needed most, Intel® Core™ i7 processors deliver an incredible breakthrough in PC performance. They are the best desktop processor family on the planet.

You'll multitask applications faster and unleash incredible digital media creation. And you'll experience maximum performance for everything you do, thanks to the combination of Intel® Turbo Boost technology² and Intel® Hyper-Threading technology (Intel® HT technology)³, which maximizes performance to match your workload.

Thursday. July 15, 2010. 0229.
 Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Hotfile Acct. to be sold...

1 Month Unlimited Downloading
(100Gb Hot/Direct Linking)

6 Months Unlimited Downloading
600Gb Hot/Direct Linking

1 Year Unlimited Downloading
1200Gb Hot/Direct Linking

Free abundance of links to visit for downloading movies, animes, videos, songs, softwares and so on...

Interested pls e-mail to or simply SMS me at 019-3553552/017-9407750

ps:// megaupload & rapidshare will be posting soon...

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

waka waka...this time for Africa ~Shakira

Salam sejahtera,

Pagi ini satu lagi pertemuan antara dua gergasi bola sepak dunia bakal berlaku, pertemuan untuk menjulang mahkota kejuaraan bola sepak dunia. Indeed it is a final clash for world cup 2010. Spain and the Netherlands are preparing to contest the World Cup final in Johannesburg, South Africa... the biggest game in the footballing history of both countries and this morning will explain everything. Who will be a winner. Either Spain or Netherlands, winner will be a legacy in the world cup history.

For me, kedua-dua negara mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri untuk memenangi perlawanan pagi ini. Mereka juga mempunyai penyudah berbisa yang amat digeruni. Kini mereka bertanding untuk menjadi pemilik kasut emas.

Belanda dan Sepanyol memaparkan pencapaian cemerlang dalam kejohanan terhebat ini termasuk menyingkir pasukan pilihan seperti Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay dan Jerman. Dari sejarah kedua-dua negara pernah bertemu lapan kali dan Belanda menang empat kali.

Anyway ak support Belanda kali ni and ak meramalkan Belanda akan membuat kejutan 1-0 menang malam ni. Sama2lah kt meyaksikannya lebih kurang 2 jam lg dari skang...

lambatnya rasa masa bergerak. butir mata ni rasa macam dah nak tersembol keluar da. Ngantuk sbb hari ni seharian kuar. Penat beb. Kopi pulak da kehabisan stok. Td kuar pun sengaja xbeli sbb ingatkan ada lagi. Kalau esok xkeje xpe gk...Ni xtau lagi la mcmna besok. Alahai world cup punya pasal.

Monday, July 12, 2010. 0042.
Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Hari minggu

Salam ukhuwwah fillah, apa khabar semua? smg kalian semua dlm keadaan baik dan sihat sejahtera...

Sungguh elok cuaca hari ni. Kat luar tu mentari menyinar terang benderang. Actually ak tgh kebosanan ni. Rasa bosan yg teramat. Xtau nak buat apa hari ni. Smlm dahla xtido, ni pun leh tido kejap je pastu terus tersedar. Malam ni nk kena berjaga world cup, xkan xtgok kot...benda 4 thn sekali. Badan sbnarnya masih lg penat & kelesuan, tp ntah rasa rugi kalau tido hujung2 minggu ni. Esok da nk kena keje balik. Rasa kejap je cuti. Bila la agaknya ak dpt buat keje yg ak suka...

Kalau nak kuarpn xtau nakgi mana and dgn sape...Si apih lak asyik bz dgn outstation, si adam xleh nk harap, si khalis duk jauh... lan pulak sibuk dgn awek dia... ayyo... nak ajak sape ni...ak sbnrnya xramai member kat shah alam ni...kawan2 masa belaja kat uia dulu dah meresap ntah kemana da...hampir semuanya da lost contact, kalau ada pun tinggal yg da kawin saja...tinggallah ak yg masih lg bujang ni...masa ni lah rasa sunyi. Well, nampak gayanya terpaksa ajak si kamal lagi la jwbnya. Nak ajak awek, awek pulak xde...bkn xnak cari tp sbb xdibenarkan oleh syarak...hmmm, al-fadhil ustaz al-fadzli bertazkirah...hehe...nk baca blog org pn rsa xde mood...xkan nk duk terperap dlm bilik je hujung minggu ni...arggghh..

Bleh sape2 tlg bg idea nk buat apa hujung minggu ni. Xkan nk tido je kot.

1007, Sunday, July 11, 2010.
Ardour of Admiration (AoA)

Ngarut2 di pagi hari...

Salam & selamat pg,

Jam skang dah kul 5.17 pg. Berjaga sbb nk tgok bola...

Actually ak xtau nk post apa kat sini pg ni. Just nak ngarut2 je sementara masuk waktu subuh. Kalau tido confirm subuh terlepas. Sanggup bersengkang mata tanpa bantuan kopi pekat malam ni utk tgok team feveret ak, Germany main pg ni. Mmg puas hati and berbaloi gkla sbb Germany menang 3-2...padan muka Uruguay. Ak xsuka Uruguay. Ak start jd anti Uruguay ni sejak Uruguay main tipu masa lawan Ghana tempoh hari, mmg sah2 dh sorang mamak tu tahan bola dgn tgn tp ntah mcmna referee bleh xnampak, rabun kot...emo lak ak pg ni...padahal both Ghana & Uruguay xde kena mengena pun dgn ak...huhu.


Actually ak rsa xtenang hati skang ni. Xtau knp selalu je mood swings lately. Kalau p'puan tu maybe sbb dtg period, tp kalau lelaki sbb apa ya? Maybe sbb da lama xbaca Quran kot. Niat selalu saja nak baca tp selalu xjadi...Rasa macam2 masalah dtg skang ni. Masalah dgn tmp keje la...bengang dgn sekor team leader ni...serius ak benci sgt2...berlagak. Nama je team leader, tp keje berpasukan xde langsung...koya la. Kalu tino tu bleh layan molek, tp kalu ak tnya mapuh nk jawab. Mmg ak tekad doh, tu la last ak tnya dia. Masalah dgn si H pun ada gk...boikot benar kali ni. Aku call xjwb, sms xreply... yelah pasal kes hari tu la ni. Ak saja je nk test dia. Nk tgok apa respond dia. Tp dia ingat ak tipu dia so merajuk ke apa ak xtau la skang ni... Maybe sbb xberkat kot. Mana tk, subuh loni da seminggu da xsemyg ikut waktu. Bkn xsedar. Mmg sedar dh tp berat a.k.a malas nk bangun and kalau bgn pun, just bgn utk matikan alarm saja pstu sambung tdo balik. Kritikal benar dh ak ni kan. Xleh nk dibiarkan lguni benda akan jd makin parah...


Well, sometimes I wonder if other people around me have mood swings like mine. Sometimes, I just dislike everyone I see, especially those I see the most often. Sometimes I wonder what my life is beyond working, playing games, watching movies and eating kfc or mcd. Sometimes I wonder if the world is so screwed up in many ways because people get so bogged down by the one focus in their life, that they don't know what to do if that focus is no longer there. For instance, not knowing what to do if I don't have to work anymore. Have my identity become this focus? This profession that I am going to enter? You know guys, my dream since I was a childhood, I wanna be a professional engineer one day, but who knows...God destined everything, Qada & Qadar....yeah you're correct Sal, one of my friend, everything changes with time. Having basic background in engineering but pursuit in banking arena is something different. I dont have any choice but to take it whatever I got for the sake of my future & my survival. Luckily I am a fast learner, easy to catch up new lessons...hehe, poyo but that is a truth..:). But, you know seriously I am telling you as time goes by, my basic engineering skill will fade away/ blunt in anyway also with time. That's what I am really worry nowadays. Oh, God... tp apa2 pun ak tetap bersyukur sbb kira ak masih lagi bernasib baik kalau nak dibandingkan dgn ramai lg kat luar sana yg masih mencari2 atau tercari2 lagi pekerjaan yg sesuai sampai skang ni...

Sentimental la pulak pg2 ni...huhu. Ntahlah... Oklah, sambung len kali la pulak. Bye.

Ardour of Admiration (AoA)